NY Subway Portrait 2019 (personal)
This is my project of the year. I do one or two daily commute drawings every day for the whole 2019. With 280+ drawings capturing 800+ New Yorkers, I think this year's project is a great success.
It all starts with curiosity, and then become persistence. But it eventually became just a habit. There has been many times I doubt about the process and questioned if I was only repeating myself, but day after day, week after week, the skills slowly builded up. I can always see and feel the difference happening.
The experience is quite uniqle. It almost feels like hiking — you don’t feel the changes every step brings to you, but eventually you will. Thanks to this practice this year, I got to see the power of persistence and the scenery I was not able to see before.
According to a survey by staffing firm Robert in 2017, the average round-trip commute for New York City jobs comes to 57.92 minutes.
In my case it’s a bit longer. Some people choose to use that time to rest, some choose to study.. I choose to use my sketch book to record what I see everyday, and I believe Everyone’s commute is worth being remembered, at least should not be ignorred. It’s a piece of our life, part of what we are.
Role: Illustrator
See more on my instgram︎.
Full credits: Yandong Qiu
Full credits: Yandong Qiu