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Dino Qiu

Tijuana title sequence

Title sequence for a short movie Tijuana. This is an short movie talking about 3 journalist fighting against crime and government corruption in the city Tijuana, Mexico. 
We use mutliple styleframe to demostrate three different approaches, showing not only the visual but also the strong narrative related to the story.

Role: Designer
Responsible for conceptualization, styleframe design for concept 1 & 2;
Styelframe design for concept 3

Creative Director: Harry Dorrington
Designer: Stefan Woronko, Yandong Qiu

Concept 1 : finding object

In this concept, we use different iconic objects such as pills, drug, delete key, prison bar to connect the sequence and the narrative. One object will shape match another, implying the chain reaction happened in the story. 

Concept 2 : NewsPaper

I use animated newspaper texture to illustrate the characters and scenes from the movie. The typewritter is the key weapon to the journalist. 

Concept 3 :Split Screen - Justice vs Crime

We use the split screen to put the good and bad into one frame. 

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